I'm planning the next board. A fish. Aside from unabashedly trying to make the same shape as a Campbell Bros 6'3" Octafish, it'll be from scratch. No plans bought from someone else. I'll use Aku Shaper to create the outline and shape and the template generator to create the spar, rib, and outline templates. It could be a complete disaster. Doing the design myself is scary enough, but the shape is really complex and presents a lot of problems to recreate in a hollow wood design: bonzer channels, wings to step down the width, and those funky bonzer side fins. This'll be challenging and most likely a disaster but it'll tax my brain and skills which is the real objective. The order of paulownia has already arrived and last weekend, I made the templates and started cutting out the spar and ribs. Here are pics of a real Campbell Bros Octafish that I'll try to replicate in hollow wood.