More clamps are needed throughout the project. I found that the 2x4s used previously to clamp things down didn't work well for the ribs - it needed something that you could bend over the curve of the ribs.. I cut a bunch of 1x2s b/c they'd bend and hold all parts of the rib down well when gluing them to the bottom decking.
1. With all the clamping to the rocker jig, the assembly takes on the right rocker - until you unclamp it. Then the deck wants to flatten out and exerts a lot of downward force at the nose where the rocker is greatest and the spar is thinnest. My spar had typical plywood voids in the ply and it failed. I clamped everything back into the jig and glued in reinforcements.
2. Spending more time soaking the deck and clamping it to the rocker jig so it's relaxed and taken on the rocker shape would have helped. The spar itself isn't strong enough to hold that shape - the deck itself needs to taken on most of the bend before gluing or it'll exert tremendous and destructive force on the spar. .
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